Many years ago I installed the free software Girlfriend 1.0 on my hardware and I found it to be an excellent package. It was lightweight and feature-rich and everything I was looking for at the time. However, after some time had passed I found that the free trial period was due to expire. Following the manufacturer’s recommended upgrade path I replaced Girlfriend 1.0 with the rather expensive but permanently resident upgrade Wife 1.0 Pro.
I can’t help but feel there was a certain degree of overselling on the manufacturers part as although the featureset on Wife 1.0 Pro was similar to Girlfriend 1.0, certain features seemed to be disabled in the upgrade. Furthermore, and I know it happens with all software upgrades over time, the manufacturer seemed to keep introducing software bloat with each year that passed.
Anyway, a few years passed uneventfully until one day when Wife 1.0 suddenly and unexpectedly crashed. It was a very serious crash and it took down most of the system with it. Many of the software’s files became irreparably damaged and corrupted, and functionality was massively impaired.
Having made a commitment when I upgraded to Wife 1.0 Pro I persevered and adapted to the reduced functionality. As the years went by several software patches were released which gradually restored elements of the functionality, but the software continued to struggle and experienced many episodes of downtime. The software became unstable and often exhibited unexpected and unexplainable behaviours.
With system overheads much the same as they were before the crash, resources became stretched and I found that available cache was down to the bare minimum. In an effort to boost resources I increased performance, took on additional workload and attempted to reduce system overheads.
While attending to the system resources I was unaware that the Wife 1.0 software had opened an internet communications channel with a rogue malware program operating from a remote location. The rogue malware program infiltrated my system, bypassed security protocols and further corrupted the already damaged Wife 1.0 software.
This led to Wife 1.0 uninstalling itself from my system and becoming integrated with the rogue malware at an unknown remote location.
Due to the unauthorised transfer of the software, I find that I am still liable for the yearly licencing fees and upkeep of system resources until an agreement can be reached with the manufacturer.
Meanwhile my hardware lies idle.