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Santander increases Monthly Fee on 123 Current Account to £5

In a move that is sure to be unpopular, Santander have increased the monthly account fee on their 1|2|3 Current Account.  And not just increased it, more than doubled it from £2 to a staggering £5 a month!

The new monthly account fee takes effect from mid-January 2016 giving consumers time to contemplate switching their current account if they think Santander has gone too far. Continue reading

RateSetter Lending Review

RateSetter lenders review – Reviews of RateSetter peer-to-peer loans from a lender perspective. A flexible and fun way to match lenders with borrowers. Follow my step by step guide to saving with RateSetter. Continue reading

Premium Bonds: Frequently Asked Questions

Everything you need to know about investing in NS&I Premium Bonds.

What is the minimum and maximum investment?

The minimum number of Premium Bonds you can buy is £100.

The maximum holding of Premium Bonds you can have is £50,000. Continue reading

Zopa Lenders: Frequently Asked Questions

Zopa can be a great way to beat the average savings account. You invest in Zopa, they lend your money to creditworthy borrowers and you get your money back with interest when the borrowers repay their loans.

So as a lender or investor, what do you need to know? Continue reading

Zopa Peer 2 Peer Lending & Borrowing

Zopa is the longest established and highly successful player in the peer-2-peer lending and borrowing marketplace.

Like other peer-2-peer lenders, Zopa is mostly funded by members of the UK public who have a bit of spare cash they want to invest.  Those investments are used to provide very competitive loans to other members of the public. Continue reading

Reclaim £1000’s in mis-sold PPI – How to Claim

Mis-sold PPI could mean you are due a big refund from your bank.

PPI (Payment Protection Insurance) was designed to provide cover in the event that you couldn’t meet your monthly credit commitments, but the misselling of PPI has become one of the biggest scandals in the personal finance market in recent years.

PPI was sold at the time you applied for store cards, credit cards, loans, mortgages and similar credit facilities. With PPI you paid an additional premium every month so it cost you a money on a regular basis over a potentially long period of time. Continue reading