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Reclaim £1000’s in mis-sold PPI – How to Claim

Mis-sold PPI could mean you are due a big refund from your bank.

PPI (Payment Protection Insurance) was designed to provide cover in the event that you couldn’t meet your monthly credit commitments, but the misselling of PPI has become one of the biggest scandals in the personal finance market in recent years.

PPI was sold at the time you applied for store cards, credit cards, loans, mortgages and similar credit facilities. With PPI you paid an additional premium every month so it cost you a money on a regular basis over a potentially long period of time. Continue reading

St Giles Hotel in Central London Review

The St Giles Hotel in London is a really cheap option for a stay right in the heart of London.

Located just 2 minutes walk from Tottenham Court Road tube station the hotel is perfectly located with easy access to the Northern Line and the Central Line. So whether you are heading north, south, east or west, you are ideally situated to start your journey across London.

Book direct with the hotel or through a booking site, don’t get ripped off by package tours that will charge over the odds. Continue reading

How to fill out a PPI Questionnaire

What do I put on my PPI Claim Form?  Filling out a PPI questionnaire is quite straightforward.

The form can be downloaded from the internet for you to print out at home.  Then all you need to do is fill it in.  But what do you put on it? Continue reading

Is it safe to drink hotel bathroom tap water

So you’re staying in a big hotel, you forgot to buy a bottle of water and thirst has gotten the better of you. There is no complimentary water left, so you do what we all do… You look at the tap or faucet in the bathroom and think…..

“Is it safe? Am I going to get a stomach bug or a dose of the runs if I drink a big glass of hotel tap water?  Do I take the risk and hope for the best?” Continue reading

Masala Zone Covent Garden

I spent an hour one evening wandering around the streets of Covent Garden, looking for somewhere a little different to have a meal.

As I passed a little side street, a restaurant sign caught my eye. It was the Masala Zone restaurant in Covent Garden. Continue reading

Save on Holiday Parking at Belfast International Airport

Save yourself a fortune by pre-booking your holiday parking at Belfast International Airport long stay car park.

If have flown out of Belfast International Airport, you will know that there are now a number of different car parks on the airport site.  There is the Short Stay Car Park, the Long Stay Car Park and there’s what they call the Main Car Park. Continue reading

Mortgage Calculator – Calculate your monthly mortgage payment

Use our handy mortgage calculator to work out your monthly mortgage payments and check how much you can afford to borrow.

The exact amount you have to pay each month might depend on your bank or building society, and any charges / fees that they might add to the mortgage loan as part of giving you credit.  Look out for setup fees, product reservation fees and home valuation charges.

But the calculator below will give you a very good guide to your expected monthly payments. Continue reading

Critical Illness Cover – Protect your family after a medical diagnosis

Critical illness insurance pays out a lump sum or regular payments in the event of a life-threatening illness.  Protect your family’s finances by insuring yourself against serious illness.

What would you and your family do if you were diagnosed with a very serious illness.  Are you just meeting your bills every month?  What would happen if you developed a life-threatening condition that restricted your ability to work?  What if you had a heart attack or developed a terminal illness? Continue reading