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Incentives to keep the weight off after being on a diet

If you have been on a diet and lost a bit of weight, one of the hardest things to do is not let it creep back on again.

First of all, Congratulations on your weight loss.  You have done a great thing and I’m sure you feel a bit better for it.  Now how do you encourage yourself to keep the weight off? Continue reading

Best Way to Reheat Leftover Pizza The Next Day

Everybody has their own tried and tested ways of reheating their favourite takeaway indulgence – pizza.

Although the best plan is to eat it straightaway, on the day, if there’s just too much and you want to keep some until the next day, what’s the best way to keep and reheat your pizza?  If it goes wrong, you can end up with a rubbery mess with the pizza dough gone soggy while the cheese and toppings dry out.  Ugghh!  So what do you do? Continue reading

What can you expect at a Table for One?

The experience you will have with a table for one will depend on the restaurant you choose and even the country you are in.

Some countries after all place more emphasis on eating as a social activity, so you sitting in the corner with your one plate of food is frankly weird. But since eating alone is a growing phenomenon, especially in the West, some restaurants are starting to embrace the solo diner. Continue reading

A Table for One, please

Do you cringe at the very thought of asking for a table for one in a restaurant? Dining solo is on the rise, especially amongst busy people wanting to enjoy a flavour of the restaurant scene without the social baggage of having to have someone to accompany them. Continue reading

How to make a PPI Claim against Bank of Scotland

Bank of Scotland, like many other banks and financial institutions, make it very easy to make a Payment Protection Insurance (PPI) claim against them.

If you were mis-sold Payment Protection Insurance by Bank of Scotland and your claim is successful, your PPI premiums will be repaid along with any appropriate interest.

Bank of Scotland make the process of reclaiming mis-sold Payment Protection Insurance (PPI) very straightforward. Like most other financial institutions, they have set aside a large pot of money to settle PPI claims, so if you have a valid PPI complaint with valid reasons to claim against them, you should receive a refund from Bank of Scotland.

Here’s how to do it. Continue reading

My 2 Day Diet Experience – Progress Review – Month 1

Rather than posting every week with my progress on the 2 Day Diet, I will be saving my updates for a monthly post.  This is now the end of the first month so let’s see how things are going.

I am sticking with two days a week quite easily.  For those two days, I am planning my meals and sticking to them.  I admit that I am using prepackaged meals as I don’t want to be bothered with cooking small meals, but it is going well. Continue reading

What if a spouse won’t respond to divorce petition

What can you do if your husband or wife will not respond to a divorce petition?

If you and your solicitor have served a divorce petition on your spouse, they are instructed by the paperwork to respond within a set period of time.  They need to reply to say whether they will defend the divorce or not.  What happens if they do not respond? Continue reading

My 2 Day Diet Experience – Progress Review – Week 1

OK, so I have started doing the 2 Day Diet and it is now the end of Week 1 and time to report on how things went.

Well I have managed to set aside two days out of the week to cut my calories.  Probably the most important thing I did was to plan for those days.  In particular I planned exactly what food I was going to have so that I could plan the calorie intake and hopefully limit myself to just that amount of food. Continue reading