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The Fast Diet / 2 Day Diet – My plan for doing it

Having tried other diets and weight loss methods with limited or no success, I am going to try the Fast Diet, otherwise known as the 2 Day Diet.

I am not grossly overweight or anything like that, but the days of fitting into 32 or 33 inch jeans when I was twenty years old have gradually morphed into accepting that I need 36 inch jeans in my mid thirties. There has been a gradual creep in the gut area. And comparing pictures taken then and now, even my face has gained a little padding. Continue reading

The Fast Diet by Dr Michael Mosley and Mimi Spencer

Michael Mosley is a medical journalist who was interested in various forms of diet regimes. He went around the world researching various weight loss options and made a documentary for the BBC about his findings. His book The Fast Diet came out of the work for the documentary.

This diet, sometimes referred to as the 5:2 diet, the two day diet or the fast diet, has been subjected to a number of scientific trials and there appears to be evidence for the benefits of intermittent fasting. Continue reading

Lose stomach fat in men and women – Fast belly fat loss tips

It can sometimes seem like losing belly fat from the body is hardest to achieve, but in reality it’s not. It’s just that there tends to be more fat in this area, a thicker layer, so any reductions don’t seem as noticeable at first.

Our bodies are configured to lay down fat in different regions of the body in different percentages. This varies between the sexes, but also can vary from person to person. This means that some people will be predisposed to accumulating more fat in the belly area than others. But those other people are still accumulating fat, it’s just in other areas, so instead of belly fat they get it in the legs or butt! Continue reading

Tips for How to Avoid a Hangover

So you’re planning a night out. You’ll be having a few drinks, or maybe more than a few! You want to have a fun night out, but you would really like to avoid the hangover the next day. It really spoils the next day, especially if you have to go to work, if you are suffering with a hangover. So what can you do to avoid a hangover? Continue reading

XLS Medical Fat Binder Tablets – What are they?

What is XLS Medical?

XLS Medical is a fat binding weight loss pill.

XLS Medical fat binder acts to reduce the absorption of fat from your meals through your stomach and intestines.

If you have a diet with a normal amount of fat content in it, XLS Medical fat binder can bind up a percentage of that fat, so that it passes straight through your guts, rather than being absorbed by the body. Continue reading

Review Drinking and Tweeting by Brandi Glanville

If you follow Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, you will already know Brandi Glanville.  Married with two kids, she discovers that one woman is not enough for her husband.  Caught in a love triangle, her husband ends up leaving her for country star LeAnn Rimes. Continue reading

Top Things to See and Do in Las Vegas

If you are lucky enough to be going to Las Vegas you will want to spend your time as profitably as possible.  While you will probably spend some time and money in the casinos, there are so many other exciting and wonderful things to see and do on your trip.  Take a look at some of the highlights you won’t want to miss before you go home. Continue reading

How do you like your eggs?

We’ve all been there at least once – that moment when the waitress asks how you would like your eggs and you just open your mouth and go uurggh….

I remember my first time.  I was on a short break in Toronto and a group of us went to a diner-style cafe for breakfast.  I can’t remember what I ordered but it was ‘eggs & something’.  The waitress asks, How would you like your eggs?  My mouth starts to open but my brain has gone completely blank. Continue reading